Rabu, 24 November 2010

Diarrhea in infants

Faced with conditions of children who have diarrhea can sometimes make parents panic. Actually, the handling is very easy to live was taken to the doctor wrote, and then given the drug and recovered. But if we want to examine a little about what actually happens to us when experiencing diarrhea can reduce panic us as parents.

If your baby or your child suddenly has a change in bowel movements than usual, both the frequency / amount of waste water that became frequent and out in the consistency of liquid than solid, then it is diarrhea.

A newborn baby will generally defecate more than ten times a day, and larger babies will have the time of each bowel movement, there is a day 2-3 times a day or there are only 2 times a week. In other words you must know what normally for your baby or child from their bowel habits.

The cause diarrhea:

* The virus (which causes diarrhea common - and usually because of Rotavirus), symptoms: diarrhea-water stools (watery), foam, no blood mucus, sour smell.

* GE (stomach flu) virus ever since.

* Bacteria - diarrhea with blood or mucus, abdominal pain. This requires antibiotic as a therapeutic treatment.

* Parasite (Giardiasis) - diarrhea blood + / - and mucus, abdominal pain requires antiparasite.

* Children are therapy with the use of antibiotilka If diarrhea occurs when a child is in the antibiotic treatment, then call your doctor.

* Allergies milk, - diarrhea usually occur several minutes or hours after drinking the milk, usually in cow's milk allergy and products made from cow's milk.

* Infection from bacteria or viruses that accompany other diseases such as urinary tract infections, ear infections, measles, etc.

Diarrhea Treatment

Because the causes of acute diarrhea / diarrhea is the most common sudden virus, no treatment that can cure, because it usually will heal on its own after a few days. So the treatment of diarrhea is intended to treat existing symptoms and prevent dehydration or less liquid.

Acute diarrhea can be cured only by continuing the provision of food as usual and drink/just enough fluids.

To remember not to give drug treatment to stop the diarrhea, since diarrhea is herself a body's defense mechanism to remove the contamination of food from the gut. Trying to stop the diarrhea with drugs such as clogged pipes that will come out and cause back-flow and will aggravate the channel.

Therefore, diarrhea is the process of the body's defense mechanism, will heal by itself after a few days - (14 days) which contains more diarrhea - from water (watery) began berampas, reduced its frequency and recovery.

Most important in the diarrhea is to prevent and cope with symptoms of dehydration.
READ MORE - Diarrhea in infants

Selasa, 23 November 2010

China Consumer Electronics Products

Right now in almost every corner of the city in Indonesia can we find an electronics store that sells goods from China products, electronic goods is recognized China's products have many advantages when compared with similar products from competitor countries which already have well-known brand. I take the example of china mobile phone, which has advantages in addition to a relatively cheaper price also has excellent features for example can be filled with 3 cards at once. What is clear in terms of the practicality of her superior when compared with similar products from other brands. But again, we are shackled to the culture of "wow", if we want to see exclusive possession of her particular brand.
READ MORE - China Consumer Electronics Products

Jumat, 19 November 2010

Resep Steak Jawa


* 500 gr daging sapi
* 10 butir bawang merah, iris halus
* 50 gr mentega
* Merica, sesuai selera
* Kecap manis, sesuai selera
* Garam
* Gula
* Cuka


* Kuning telur rebus
* Merica
* 5 sdm mentega, cairkan
* 1 buah bawang Bombay, iris halus
* 1 sdm maizena

Pelengkap (rebus)

* Wortel
* Buncis
* Kentang

Cara pembuatan:

1. Daging pilihan iris melintang seratnya lalu pukul-pukul hingga agak tipis dan lebar.
2. Uleni daging sapi dengan bawang merah dan mentega. Lalu beri kecap.
3. Siapkan wajan anti lengket dan tata daging tersebut di dalamnya. Masak tanpa air dengan api kecil.
4. Tak lama daging tersebut akan berair. Lalu berilah air panas, garam, gula dan sedikit cuka.
5. Masak sampai daging empuk, dan rasa pas dengan selera Anda.
6. Campur kuning telur rebus dengan merica.
7. Tumis bawang bombay dengan mentega, masukkan kuning telur dan merica. Kentalkan dengan maizena. Masak sampai agak kental.
8. Sajikan steak dengan saus mayonaise ditambah sayuran rebus seperti wortel, buncis dan kentang
READ MORE - Resep Steak Jawa

Kamis, 18 November 2010


Idul adha has passed, but you may still have stock qurban meat, cooked what we want? Beef steak recipe might be a possible alternative.

How to make black pepper beef steak, sirloin steak, tenderloin, striploin, t-bone, porterhouse, rib steak that is the type that is often in the search by lovers of steak, steak kenikmatain in coherent with the sauce is very delicious, good steak recipes This can be useful for you.

Raw beef steak black pepper:

- 500 grams of beef sirloin steak
- 1 teaspoon black pepper powder
- 1 teaspoon mustard
- 1 tablespoon butter

Raw beef steak sauce:
- 5 cloves garlic, minced
- a half of fruit onion, finely chopped
- a half of teaspoon black pepper, crushed coarse
- 1 tablespoon flour
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce english
- 200 cc water

Add vegetable beef steak:
- French fries
- Carrots, boiled

How to make black pepper beef recipe:
- Meat smeared with pepper, mustard and let stand 30 minutes and then heat the butter in non-stick skillet, roast the meat until cooked.

- For sauce saute garlic until fragrant, put the flour and stir onion until clot then pour a little water, soy sauce english, black pepper and cook until boiling then remove and serve with vegetables.


It's nearly two week more catastrophic volcanic Merapi was still shocking people in indonesia.Wedhus trash has not stopped spewing heat clouds, and yesterday also had been a rainy week of ash and sand in the area Boyolali, solo, Klaten and Yogyakarta. But trim yet we can be sure when it will be quiet, so still in awas.

Based on data in the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Merapi earthquake-miscarriages as much as 100 times, 13 times multipase earthquake, seismic activity was recorded until 18:00 pm as follows, earthquake low frequency of three times, and seven times flow hot clouds.

Until 12.00 pm, the victim died increased by one person due to exposure wedus burns trash. So the total death of the victim was 36 people, burn victims are still treated as many as six people, tree people were treated in hospital and two people Sardijto at Bethesda Hospital.

Previously, Head of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Surono said that the mountain is situated on the border of Yogyakarta and Central Java was not yet given the signs will be silent.

Thus smoothing the news about the news today, I will then update on the status of Merapi disaster that still concerns us.

READ MORE - Merapi

Rabu, 17 November 2010

How to decorate your blog

Blogs we will feel more beautiful when the contents with various decorations such as clock, guest book, yahoo emotion, exchange links, some logos, and also lain2 forth. actually this decoration can be achieved by a simple way for decoration is actually free, so if you see a blog that no decoration like the clock or you just clicking lain2 only decoration that we will be brought to the web provider's decoration. but before we take the decoration that's for sure we must first register.

For decoration problem I will give some examples. because I'm sure the others you will definitely be having learned little by little about the existing HTML code of the decoration.

Giving Decoration Clock on our blog. way he is:

1. Please click the following link -> http://www.clocklink.com

2. If you're already on the site, select the menu on the left Gallery clocklink
homepage (or click the world clock for decoration clock with world map display.)

3. On the Gallery menu please look first at the available models of, ie starting
from Analog, Animal, Animation, etc.

4. If in a sense already found a model at you like, click View HTML tag which is
under the clock that you like last

5. Click the button labeled Accept

6. Select the appropriate time to place your next TimeZone. Example: for the
western Indonesian select GMT +7:00

7. Set the size at which you like in addition to writing size

8. Copy the HTML code provided on the notepad

9. Paste the HTML code copied to wherever you want it

10. Completed
READ MORE - How to decorate your blog

A Look at Russian Aircraft Technology

A Look at Russian Aircraft Technology

A Look at Russian Aircraft Technology
Source: Science News Topic: Engineering Tags: Russian Aircraft, TU-134 aircraft, TU-154 aircraft

Some time ago two Russian aircraft, TU-134 and TU-154 crashed, crashed at about the same time. Apart from the alleged terrorist attacks, Russia was still using the old planes. Even models such as passenger aircraft in military cargo planes. Technology material in Russia, especially for the materials of war are well known, so perhaps this is causing the planes remain durable despite the ambient temperature is always cold.

An Indonesian researcher in the company in Japan tells of his journey to Russia in order to attend a conference about the material.

The first time entered Russia via Moscow, with the big Airbus plane departing from Narita. Continuing from Moscow to Tomsk (Siberia) with local aircraft. Nothing special except Narita-Moscow long trip for 9 hours in the air and expertise pilot to land in the Siberian region in a state full of winter snow at night temperatures around -30 degrees Celsius.

Both times, enter through Vladivostok from Toyama. Time is quite surprising. How not, the plane used was a small old aircraft with 4 seats sit perbaris, with passenger capacity of 30 persons. Suitcases and other items placed in the tail, much like a small military aircraft to carry troops to the entrance out of the tail. No air conditioner, so the room smelled pengab and heat. To reduce the hot air, the pilot window must be opened if the machine is not turned on. But my doubts disappeared after the plane airborne, the engine was still pretty good and hold the air temperature is -50 degrees Celsius (when it was autumn). It was not yet aware that the Russian aircraft in the 70s output is (Yak-40) is also the type that crashed in Uzbekistan earlier this year after hitting a concrete building the airport.

The third time, when entering through Vladivostok from Niigata, concern has been somewhat reduced flying with small planes Vladivostok Avia Tu-154, although this type of plane that crashed in Irkutsk Siberia in 2001.

The cars are used in Moscow, let alone in Tomsk, there are still many cars in the '60s. The design box ¡| with no aerodynamis design. Even the Volga car brand that we were riding though made in the 90's, the designs still doeloe era car. Image of Russian basic science is the power possessed, they dare to produce goods and heavy machinery with specifications multiplied. As a result, these goods can last for years even though the outside design looks less attractive.

To make the plane / car that stand in the frozen area, they should consider Nil ductility Temparature (NDT)-temperature where the material does not have the flexibility-of the material used, so do not experience brittle fracture at low temperatures. This is reminiscent of the story of the Liberty Ship that split the ship in dock in the water temperature low. This may be a valuable lesson for them. Or ship Titanic which sank after hitting ice bengkuhan, who allegedly also because cold temperatures cause the brittle fracture 35 F easily happen, might this also be a material consideration for them. What is clear, will not be easy to design equipment in extreme weather in Siberia where the temperature can reach -35 C in winter and 35 C in summer.
READ MORE - A Look at Russian Aircraft Technology